Saturday, July 9, 2011

In no particular order.......

Blogging, I've discovered, takes a huge commitment.  I don't know how many people out there actually read this, but the one or two who do keep asking, "when are you going to update your blog?"  hahaha

Well, here's the thing.  I used to be a professional photographer.  I actually made a living doing what I love - taking photos - for a short time, until the economy determined that I'd have to work a whole lot harder to make enough money to live on.  That, coupled with some health issues, made me go back to my 20+ year career in commercial insurance.  I still love what I do in insurance, don't get me wrong - but it's not the creative outlet that I enjoyed with photography.  I took lots of photos as a photographer, but not photos that you'd probably enjoy looking at.  Mostly portraits, and unless you are either the subject or you are a loved one of the subject, that can be kind of boring.  I don't tend to take alot of photos with my point and shoot on a daily basis.  Outside of my new pedicure and many, many photos of my two dogs, there's really not alot of exciting things going on around here.  That would be pretty boring too.

MedicMan and I love to travel and our very favorite thing to do when we travel is to cruise.  We've cruised the Western Caribbean several times, the Eastern Caribbean, New England to Canada, and to Alaska.  I have LOTS of travel photos from our many trips, both cruising and not cruising, so I thought I'd start sharing some of them along with the stories, interlaced with more current events.  So, in no particular order......let's travel!

Today we will be visiting Peggy's Cove, just outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia.  The lighthouse, known as Peggy's Point Lighthouse, claims to be on of the most photographed lighthouses in America.  I'm not so sure how accurate that is, but I do know it's a gorgeous lighthouse!

This is the cove - people actually live in these homes!  Tours from the cruiselines come to Peggy's Cove by the bus load, several at a time.  Can you imagine hundreds of people tromping up and down your street everyday?  I guess their "season" is short, what with the cold winters, but still.......

Aren't the colors gorgeous?  We had perfect weather for the whole trip.  It was early September, clear, crisp skys and even a sweater was needed (by me....not by MedicMan) from time to time.  A far cry from the weather we'd left in Florida!

Two of the residents didn't seem to mind the visitors - I'm sure they are well fed for the months during warmer weather, and they were not in the least phased by someone getting close enough to photograph them.  They were just hoping for a french fry or two!

Hope you've enjoyed our little jaunt to Peggy's Cove.  I'll have to peruse my travel collection and decide where we might visit next time!  Until then......

Live life and laugh often......
Mama Shutta'Bug

1 comment:

  1. You added more pictures and a watermark since the first time I looked at this! I tried to comment earlier but blogger wouldn't let me.

    I love the photo of the two boats. Three actually... there's a boat on top of a boat! I also like the birds and the photo of the boats with the crates has great colors and composition! Thanks for sharing your travels with us! Can't wait for more!
