Sunday, July 17, 2011

Give Thanks

Thanks giving is not just for a Thursday in's for every day of the year.  Thank you God, for all that you do for me.

Live life and laugh often,
Mama Shutta 'Bug

Linking up with A Rural Journal for

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lighthouses of New England

I thought perhaps we'd take a little trip up the New England Coast and into Nova Scotia and New Brunswick and check out a few lighthouses today.  It's been so brutally hot and humid here in Florida for the past few weeks, that a nice, cool trip in the North sounds oh, so good!

Our first lighthouse is Maugher Beach, Nova Scotia (built in 1815).  I loved the morning light and this was taken off of our aft balcony of the Caribbean Princess (Princess CL) just after dawn, sailing in to Halifax, Nova Scotia

A short bus ride away, we visited Peggy's Cove and the Peggy's Point Lighthouse (1868), which you might remember from an earlier post

The next day, cruising in to St. John, New Brunswick, we get a view of Partridge Island (1791)

One of the excursions we chose to do was a river cruise up the St. John River on a double-decker riverboat called the Voyageur II (photo borrowed from Princess Cruises)

Along the river we found McColgan Point Lighthouse (1913)

and Bayswater Lighthouse (1913), which also has a lovely covered bridge next to it!

Working our way back up the river, we see Swift Point Lighthouse (1896)

Now we are in Bar Harbor, Maine - which the locals pronouce Bah Haba.  This was one our our favorite ports on this trip.  The scenery was fabulous, and I'll share more of that in another post.  This is Bear Island Lighthouse (1889)

Farther along in our trip, we spent a wonderful day in Boston.  We fell in love with Boston.  There is SO much to see there and Boston will most likely take up a post by itself!  Leaving Boston Harbor, we have Graves Light Station (1903) closest to us, and in the distance you also see the Boston Harbor Lighthouse (1716).

Our last port of call was Newport, Rhode Island.  This was a seven-day cruise and five ports of call.  We were exhausted, to say the least.  MedicMan and I decided that we would make Newport a "sea day" and we stayed on the ship, letting all of the other passengers visit the mansions of people such as the Vanderbilts, and the yachts that grace Newport.  It started out as a very foggy day, but it quickly burned off and we spent much of the day napping in deck chairs in full view of both the marina and Rose Island Light Station (1869).

Leaving Newport, we see the Newport Harbor or Goat Island Lighthouse (1851)

and the Castle Hill Lighthouse (1890)

and into the evening, our last night on board heading back to Manhatten, we catch the beautiful beacon on the water of the Beavertail Lighthouse (1754)

I hope you enjoyed our lighthouse journey.  We are planning to one day do this cruise again - there are probably hundreds more lighthouses that we missed! Next weekend MedicMan and some friends (Gone Country and Country Boy) are traveling and will (hopefully) have some new lighthouse shots for you to enjoy, although I don't think the weather will be quite as cool where we are going!

Until then,
Live life and laugh often!
Mama Shutta' Bug

A very sad day....

Tuesday, July 12th, will go down in my book as one of the saddest days of my life to date.  Next to God, my husband, parents, children and friends, my pets are the most precious blessings I have been bestowed.  Some people feel their pets are just animals - small, insignificant beings that move in and out of our life without alot of impact or value.  That is just so not true in my life.  Every pet I've ever had has had a special place in my heart and will always be a part of me. 

Thirteen years ago, my husband and I brought home a cute blonde bundle of energy whom we named Heidi.  Heidi was part of a litter that had been dumped at a vet's office.  The litter was part Sharpei and part Jack Russell terrier (yeah....figure that one out! LOL).  She had the Sharpei wrinkles and the Jack Russell personality and stole her way into our hearts.  Part of the reason we decided to bring home a puppy was because our youngest, Tink, who was 7 when we got married, was terrified of dogs.  She would literally climb up your torso and scream at the top of her lungs if a dog got anywhere near her.  She'd been bitten twice as a toddler, once in the face by a Chow, and has the scar above her nose to prove it.  So Heidi was to be therapy for Tink - a tiny puppy who established trust in dogs in one very scared little girl.  Heidi loved to tussle and growl and play rough with MedicMan, me and our oldest daughter.  But when Tink came in the room to play, she became very gentle.  Tink could lay down and rest her head on Heidi, hug her, tug her ears, do just about anything, and Heidi was never anything more than gentle. 

One of Heidi's greatest loves was to play ball - she would chase a tennis ball for as long as you would throw one.  She was one of the best goalie's I've ever seen - and I've been to a Stanley Cup game 7!  You couldn't get one by her.  She loved her People, and worried if someone was missing.  It was a difficult adjustment when our oldest moved into her own home.  When Tink moved to Disney to work, Heidi looked for her for days. 

We knew for about the past year that Heidi was slowing down.  She'd turned white in the face, and getting up and down off of the bed became a thing of the past.  In the recent weeks, just getting up from the floor was painful for her, and we could tell that her joints were giving out because she didn't like to stand in one place and would weave and sway from one foot to the other.  Her kidneys were shutting down and she was having kidney stones and continence issues.  Heidi's spirit was still strong, but her body was tired.

So, on Tuesday, July 12th, we made the decision that every pet owner dreads making, and we let Heidi go.  She went peacefully and quietly, and took a huge chunk of our hearts with her.

I believe there are animals in heaven - nothing in the bible disputes that.  There is a great book that I recently read, called "Heaven is for Real" written by Todd Burpo about his son, who spent three minutes in heaven during a health crisis.  In heaven, Colton Burpo sees horses and other animals.  So, in my belief, I will see my Heidi-girl again.  Until then, she runs on puppy legs, chasing tennis balls, and patiently waits for her People to join her.

As always,
Live life and laugh often -
Mama Shutta' Bug

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Good morning God!

That's how I felt when I took this image - that God was just peeking into my world for a moment - then going on about His day.......hope you enjoy!

As always........

Live life and laugh often,
Mama Shutta' Bug

Linking up with A Rural Journal for

In no particular order.......

Blogging, I've discovered, takes a huge commitment.  I don't know how many people out there actually read this, but the one or two who do keep asking, "when are you going to update your blog?"  hahaha

Well, here's the thing.  I used to be a professional photographer.  I actually made a living doing what I love - taking photos - for a short time, until the economy determined that I'd have to work a whole lot harder to make enough money to live on.  That, coupled with some health issues, made me go back to my 20+ year career in commercial insurance.  I still love what I do in insurance, don't get me wrong - but it's not the creative outlet that I enjoyed with photography.  I took lots of photos as a photographer, but not photos that you'd probably enjoy looking at.  Mostly portraits, and unless you are either the subject or you are a loved one of the subject, that can be kind of boring.  I don't tend to take alot of photos with my point and shoot on a daily basis.  Outside of my new pedicure and many, many photos of my two dogs, there's really not alot of exciting things going on around here.  That would be pretty boring too.

MedicMan and I love to travel and our very favorite thing to do when we travel is to cruise.  We've cruised the Western Caribbean several times, the Eastern Caribbean, New England to Canada, and to Alaska.  I have LOTS of travel photos from our many trips, both cruising and not cruising, so I thought I'd start sharing some of them along with the stories, interlaced with more current events.  So, in no particular order......let's travel!

Today we will be visiting Peggy's Cove, just outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia.  The lighthouse, known as Peggy's Point Lighthouse, claims to be on of the most photographed lighthouses in America.  I'm not so sure how accurate that is, but I do know it's a gorgeous lighthouse!

This is the cove - people actually live in these homes!  Tours from the cruiselines come to Peggy's Cove by the bus load, several at a time.  Can you imagine hundreds of people tromping up and down your street everyday?  I guess their "season" is short, what with the cold winters, but still.......

Aren't the colors gorgeous?  We had perfect weather for the whole trip.  It was early September, clear, crisp skys and even a sweater was needed (by me....not by MedicMan) from time to time.  A far cry from the weather we'd left in Florida!

Two of the residents didn't seem to mind the visitors - I'm sure they are well fed for the months during warmer weather, and they were not in the least phased by someone getting close enough to photograph them.  They were just hoping for a french fry or two!

Hope you've enjoyed our little jaunt to Peggy's Cove.  I'll have to peruse my travel collection and decide where we might visit next time!  Until then......

Live life and laugh often......
Mama Shutta'Bug